Must-Read Editors’ Picks from 2018

At Smarter With Gartner, our editorial team publishes hundreds of articles on dozens of topics throughout the year. But, that doesn’t mean we don’t have our favorites that we think executives across the business should read. In the spirit of education and a new year, we gathered those articles from across all the categories to create a must-read list.  

HR: Make Sure New Hires Don’t Regret Taking Your Job Offer

You’d think digital opportunities and buoyant economies would make job hunting fun and full of promise. Turns out it’s just painful — and people constantly worry they shouldn’t have settled for the job they just took. The number of new hires who regret their decision has risen nearly 50% since 2008. Ouch!

Finance: Are Bots Listening in on Your Earnings Calls?

It’s a brave new world: Investors are using bots to listen in on earnings calls and spot hidden messages. Bots may not be able to spot lies, but they’re pretty close. Hint: Stop saying everything is “awesome,” but feel free to um and aw. Bots know we tend to rehearse our delivery of deceptive news — a lot — so if you “er, um, aw,” you probably aren’t lying.

Legal & Compliance: The Vicious Cycle of Business Misconduct

This infographic starkly pictorializes the negative impact of compliance failures on employees. If your company is harboring noncompliant behaviors, the employees most likely to protect you — those who report violations — are especially likely to be headed out the door. High performers who spot violations are even more likely to leave.


Sales: How B2B Sales Reps Maximize Customer Interactions 

Today’s customers research extensively on their own and are reluctant to meet with sales reps, so the pressure is on to make interactions valuable. To stand out, sales reps must act as guides to simplify a tedious buying process. Simplification provides better outcomes for everyone — increasing the chances that buyers will make a higher-value purchase and reducing the chances they’ll regret the purchase.

Customer Service & Support: Make Life Easier for Service Reps and Customers Win

Despite good intentions, service leaders have made service rep jobs harder. The very systems and tools added to help reps are actually distracting them from serving customers. In the article, Gartner experts Devin Poole, Director, Advisory and Rick DeLisi, Vice President, Advisory at Gartner reveal how to make life easier for reps and benefit customers.

Data & Analytics: Use Data for Social Good

The increase in data and analytics means an opportunity for organizations to use this data for good. One company used its data to track graduation rates in the CEO’s hometown to flag early warning signs for at-risk students, and another shared data with NYU to help with redevelopment projects.

IT Leadership: How to Get the Board to Say Yes

Nobody likes presenting to the board, but CIOs are frequently finding themselves doing just that. Being in front of the board can be a great opportunity to discuss emerging technologies, get the okay for a new project or explain how IT is adding business value. But the key is knowing how (and what) to communicate so you walk away with a “Yes.”

Marketing: 12 Disruptive Technology Trends That Impact Marketing Strategy

Technology is set to unleash another wave of disruption on marketing. Marketers can use this simple framework to stay ahead of the emerging tech trends — from shopper bots to IoT (Internet of Things) devices — that will not just disrupt, but transform, their business.

Supply Chain: Blockchain for Supply Chain Requires These 5 Lessons

Supply chain leaders hear a lot about blockchain, but they need not bow to the hype of using the technology just for the sake of using it. However, if it does make sense to explore the technology, Gartner notes five lessons based on pilot projects. 

The post Must-Read Editors’ Picks from 2018 appeared first on Smarter With Gartner.

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